If you are looking for a paternity DNA test in Ibadan or surrounding areas just contact DDC Nigeria and we will help. We can send a DNA kit to you at home by courier, visit at your home or office to collect samples. DNA testing is the most accurate way to determine paternity, and is much more affordable than it has been in the past. Call us today at 0909-864-5089 and get the best service in Nigeria.
DNA Tests available in Ibadan
We provide peace of mind testing, legal and immigration paternity testing to satisfy legal requirements. Legal tests are accepted by Nigeria civil courts as well as international government authorities. DDC is accredited by the UK Ministry of Justice to carry out parentage tests directed by the civil courts in England and Wales under section 20 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969, approved by USCIS, SSC and NATA.
Immigration DNA testing for requests from the Home Office Identity & Passport Service, USCIS and other embassies and government agencies worldwide.
We offer:
Free Consultation, discussing DNA testing needs & benefits
Quick appointments, throughout Nigeria, UK, US and many other locations worldwide
Affordable test prices
Fast Results, in 5-7 days after we receive your samples
Private and confidential reporting